Officers / Past RGTIM

Home Officers RASM

Right Grand Thrice Illustrious Master

Hadji Harper, KYGCH

Right Grand Illustrious Deputy Master

James Thompson

Grand Illustrious Principal Conductor of the Works

Jessie Ward

Grand Illustrious Treasurer

Kevin Noel, KYCH

Grand Illustrious Recorder

Dwayne Robinson, KYCH

Grand Illustrious Trustee - 1yr

Rodriguez Ballen

Grand Illustrious Trustee

Ill.Comp. Cory Howard – 3yr

Grand Illustrious Trustee -1yr

Ill. Comp. Mario Clyburn

Grand Illustrious Trustee -2yr

Ill.Comp. Gerald Evans


Grand Illustrious ​Captain of the Guard

Fredrick Ford

Grand Illustrious Conductor of the Council

Illus. Comp.Brian Holman

Grand Illustrious Steward

Illus.Comp Lance Brice

Grand Illustrious Sentinel

Illus. Robert Nelson Jr.

Grand Illustrious Parliamentarian

Grand Illustrious CCFC

Illus. Comp. Demetrius Evan II

Grand Historian

Illus. Comp. Bruce Benjamin

Grand Illustrious Asst. Recorder

Illus. Comp. Edward Anderson

Grand Illustrious President PTIM Council

Illus. Comp. Workman

Grand Illustrious Chaplain

William Brisbane

Grand Illustrious Lecturer

Illus. Comp. Corey Workman


Grand Illustrious Deputy​
Councils #1

Illus. Comp. Marlon Hinds

Grand Illustrious Deputy​
Councils #2

Illus. Comp. Cory Howard

Grand Illustrious Deputy​
Councils #4

Illus. Comp. Raymond Reed

Grand Illustrious Deputy​
Councils #5

Illus. Comp. Zachariah Mace, KYCH

Grand Illustrious Deputy​
Councils #6

Illus. Comp. Mario Clyburn

Grand Illustrious Deputy​
Councils #10

Illus. Phil Moses

Grand Illustrious Deputy​
Councils #11

Illus. Comp. Thomas English

Grand Illustrious Deputy​
Councils #12

Illus. Comp. Edward Anderson

Grand Illustrious Deputy​


Grand Royal Chief Advisor

Illus. Comp. Willie White

Royal Grand Deputy Advisor

Illus. Comp. Raymond Reed

Royal Grand Asst. Deputy Advisor

Illus. Comp. John Ford

Past Grand Thrice Illustrious Masters

Past Right Grand Thrice Illustrious Master

Ray Anthony Alston, KYGCH


Jawara Tyson, KYGCH*


Michael Miles, KYGCH*


Micheal G. Thomas, KYGCH*


Kenneth M. Barkley, KYGCH*
Derrick W. Alston
James V. Blake, Jr.
John T. Blume
Samuel Davis
Nathaniel Durant, Jr.
Andrew Graham
Alonzo Haynes
Johnell E. Mack
Curtis W. Mansel, Sr.
James A.L. Myers
Lewis H. Nelson
Robert L. Nix
Bill Randolph
Harold Thompson
Silas J. Williams
*Actual Installed Past GTIM